How do you make money in your business? It’s actually a lot more simple than you might think!

Sure, entrepreneurship takes time, effort, consistency, all the things. It’s not always easy. But when it comes to getting the cash flowing in, the way to make it happen is pretty simple.

The only 3 things you need to make money in your business

This is my second business. My first business was a virtual business management company, which honestly got started sort of by accident. The company I had been working for went under, and I needed to find a new direction. But through that job I managed to surround myself with ambitious and interesting entrepreneurs, from whom I learned a lot about being in business for yourself.

I had acquired a lot of skills that could support growing entrepreneurs. So I took a chance, put them together in a nice package, and got the word out there about my services. That’s how my virtual business management got started.

But when I launched this business, I didn’t have a website. My branding colors weren’t on point. I didn’t have the perfect photos or the ideal copy. But I did know how to make money in my business.

Through working around and with other entrepreneurs, I learned the real steps to making money in a business, and it changed everything for me.

Here’s the thing. Businesses need to make money. You need money not only to keep your business going, but also to keep you focused, centered, and motivated. The good news is that to get started with consistent income, you need just 3 things!

Here are the only 3 things you need to make money in your business…

Number One: A Buying Market and Something To Sell

It might sound obvious, but it’s crucial. I’ve seen many entrepreneurs miss the mark on this one. You can create things all day, but if you don’t have a buying market of ideal clients and customers, those things won’t sell. Then again, you can have a buying market, but if you haven’t created anything to offer them as a solution to their problem, you won’t sell anything, either.

So be sure you have not only a solid product or service, but also a market of potential buyers who are looking for what you’ve created. It’s about hitting that sweet spot combining the thing you love to do, the thing you’re good at, and the thing people will pay for.

How to find a buying market and something to sell

Number Two: Visibility

Now that you’ve got something to sell, let people know! Be out there as much as you can, talking and sharing about your products or services. (Ideally, of course, you want to be talking as directly to your buying market as you can.)

That could be showing up for a Facebook live, posting on Instagram, Tweeting or TikToking. It could be attending your local networking meetings or getting on sales calls with potential prospects. The how of it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re out there.

When you show up, too, make sure you’re asking for the sale. Don’t shy away from giving people the opportunity to work with you. Because if you don’t make the offer, how is your buying market going to know what you have to sell?

Think about it. Your audience might love your message and really resonate with you, but have no idea what you offer. Be sure you let them know!

Confusion delays the sales. Be clear on what problem you solve and the solution you offer. Make the thought process so minimal that it streamlines your Ideal Clients into working with you. Give them the opportunity to get the solution they’re ready for.

Number Three: A Way To Accept Money (This is HUGE…)

People always overlook this one. You need a way to accept money. So make it easy for people to pay you. This could be something like setting up your PayPal account. Or getting a credit card merchant account.

You could also create business contracts and legal disclaimers for your services. So while you’re at it, implement your policies about getting paid, whether you only get paid in full or accept installments for your services. Decide what kinds of guarantees you offer your clients, and be clear about them.

To recap, the only 3 things you need to start making money in your business are a buying market and something to sell, visibility, and a way to accept money. That’s it. Boom and done!

Now, put these 3 things to help you kick ass, make money, become that legacy that you were put on this earth to be I can’t wait to see you out there doing your thing!

Until Next Time,

Love, Light, & MONEY Honey…


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